Criminal Defense

Criminal Law Practice

Attorney John P. Kobrin handles nearly every sort of criminal defense law, which covers everything from traffic incidents and violations to misdemeanors and major felonies. It also includes post-conviction matters, such as sentence modifications, PCRs, and appeals. All criminal charges can have serious implications and should be taken seriously.

John Kobrin will work directly with each of his clients to research and understand everything relating to all his clients’ charges. Every case is unique, and we will protect your rights and prepare you for every possible outcome. 

Controlled Substance Abuse

If you or someone you know is charged with abusing a controlled prescription or non-prescription substance, you need Attorney John P. Kobrin! We are experienced defending even the most difficult cases ranging from prescription abuse to illegal drugs. 

Murder and Violent Crimes

No matter how serious the crime you’re charged with, you are entitled to the best possible legal defense. John Kobrin, Attorney at Law, will work tirelessly to build the best possible case to defend you. We have handled cases including charges of murder, manslaughter, assault, and more. 
Defense — Man in Prison in Jackson, MI

Sexual Offenses

A rape or sexual assault charge can potentially ruin someone’s life. John Kobrin knows how to provide you with the best possible legal representation.
Call our office today to learn more or to request a consultation! 
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